Leopard Films_Househunters International


Leopard Films


This work represents a long-term (2009-2012) project for the HGTV show, "HouseHunters International."  Each episode portrays a couple in their search for a place to live, with the new home in a different country than where they started.  A local realtor presents three choices, none of which fits all of the couple's wishlist criteria.  By the end of the episode, a new home has been selected, and all is well.  

Helped establish the look of the map/globe animation, and then produced the graphics for over 350 episodes of the show.  A nice side benefit of doing the work was learning about each episode's particular destination city.  I feel like I now have my own HHI Lonely Planet guide to the world in my head.  Plus, I've got an idea of where to look for an apartment in, say, Bangkok or Amsterdam, should I ever decide to move there.

HHI London
HHI Barca
HHI Roatan
HHI Burgundy
© Will Hong 2011  All rights reserved.  Primum non nocere.