Things Worth Considering
Why Lean In When You Can Build a Whole New Table?
Somewhere Larry Summers is snorting and turning arrogantly away.
So, this video is the latest to capitalize on the Rube Goldberg machine structure, and it's maybe the most appropriate to do so given that the product at hand is a set of little Tinkertoy-ish building blocks aimed at girls instead of at boys. …
Reflections on the Bloodsport
"Draw from your models the proof that they exist with their oddities and engimas." - Robert Bresson
If you're anywhere near my age and have distinct memories of your movie-going experience as a kid, I'd guess that there are certain action movie milestone moments that we share in common. …
The Uncharitable Critic
As someone who's at times had to produce media and marketing assets for companies and institutions that I personally might not freely endorse off the record, I'd love to believe that Dan Pallotta is onto something.
In this popular TED Talk, Pallotta's basic stance is that the non-profit sector addresses societal needs that the business sector and even social enterprise realms don't simply because there's no market there for them to engage in. …